The Unsung Benefits of AI for Producers
Written by Maria Giron (Ambassador)
I'm not sure how many times I've had to stay up late rewriting emails, tired and exhausted, but trying to find the perfect tone to reply to a client or a demanding senior management colleague. Usually, my emails end up sounding like they're written by a sleep-deprived, caffeine-fueled producer who is angry and just wants to pick a fight! And maybe sometimes I did want to, but... believe me, most of the time it's just my non-English native language and droopy mind trying to make sense.
My emails tended to be long (like Bible-long), exhausting, and going in circles. Maybe the strategy was always to bore them to death or just confuse and conquer. But since I started using ChatGPT in my day-to-day work, I am amazed at how much my communication has improved, and I feel more sane!
No, ChatGPT doesn’t write my emails, but what it does is find the perfect tone every time! Picture this: you receive feedback that you need to add a full CG character at the last minute, and there's no additional budget for it! Instead of replying with a snarky comment about the laws of physics, I just prompt some keywords like: solution-oriented, professional, budget constraints, and voila, my frustrated email is transformed into a masterpiece of diplomacy.
Another HUGE benefit of proofreading my replies/emails with AI is spell-checking like a pro; nothing screams "unprofessional" like spelling "resolution" as "reslution." And as a non-English speaker, there's nothing better than having a tool check what I write, especially grammar, which can be difficult to understand if you're not native (and the tool works wonders in German, where the use of an Ö changes the meaning of a word completely. I will never forget the time I was organizing a shoot with some birds and wrote as a subject to the exec producer "vögeln im Bamberg" instead of "Vogel im Bamberg." Open earth and swallow me whole!)
Now, keep in mind, the use of AI is to support you, not replace you. I do not dare to let any email be written fully by AI tools. I am the one writing them and then prompting what I need to check, so I use it more as my proof-reader and second pair of "eyes" rather than annoying my patient and lovely colleagues to check what I write. What I must confess, though, is that I have a fantastic AI-driven virtual assistant tool that helps schedule meetings, set reminders, and manage calendars, based on my historic downtime and when I am most busy, trying to find the most efficient spot.
Have you used any AI tools in your day-to-day work? Any recommendations? Also, (and completely unrelated to the AI topic) I just found an incredible tool called NIM. I used to be a Shotgun/Shotgrid/Flow gal, but this tool has changed my view of everything! This is for another post!
#VFX #Producer #AI #EmailWizardry #WorkSmartNotHard